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False Flag Checklist:

1) Change of Location to remote Reserve Base
2) FEMA/DHS “mass casualty terror drill”
3) Homeland Security assuming control
4) DHS prepping hospitals to ensure they are prepared for a major event

This is beginning to look a lot like “Behind the Scenes” at the Boston Marathon…

Nevada Governor Candidate Warns Boy Scout Jamboree May be Next False Flag

Says it may come in the form of a biological attack

Adan Salazar
May 22, 2013

Last week, Nevada’s 2014 gubernatorial candidate David Lory VanDerBeek announced he has reason to believe the next false flag event may occur at the 2013 National Scout Jamboree, and may come in the form of a biological attack.

“Let me be clear,” Mr. VanDerBeek stated on his official site, “my objective in sharing prior knowledge of a mass casualty terror drill is to prevent criminal elements in the government from taking this drill live at the jamboree. I want the good people in government to feel confident in maintaining accountability over one another. As an Eagle scout myself, I want the scouts to have a great jamboree.”

The National Scout Jamboree is a gathering of around 50 thousand members of the Boy Scouts of America, and, this year, is set to take place at The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve outside of Mount Hope, West Virginia from July 15 to July 24.

Referencing the FBI’s undeniable involvement in helping stage the Boston Marathon bombings, Mr. VanDerBeek said insider sources notified him of a “FEMA mass casualty terror drill” planned for the month of July. He also cautioned that information regarding the drill has been kept secret from the public.

“…FEMA is preparing an unannounced disease outbreak drill caused by conventional and unconventional terrorism in July with 4:1 ratio of mental and ‘sick’” VanDerBeek wrote from notes provided him from unnamed government sources. According to those sources, “this drill could be held at the Jamboree.”

Mr. VanDerBeek also found it suspicious that the location of the Jamboree was altered.

For nearly 30 years, the Jamboree has been held at Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia, an active duty army base VanDerBeek says was an ideal spot due to its ease of access, military defense capabilities and communications availability.

On the other hand, the Jamboree’s new location does not offer the same level of security.

Google map of The Summit Bechtel National Scout Reserve

Here’s Mr. VanDerBeek’s analysis:

National Scout Jamboree 2013 disaster threat analysis of new location. The main body will be at the villages that you can see in the center of the picture as two clearings. There are towns to the northwest with the highway. The events are spread across the reserve of mountainous terrain. If there is an emergency near the summit, how are you going to see the people? Look at the tree cover of the new location. Notice they had to draw the road on the map because you cannot see the road from the sky due to tree cover. There is one road up to the summit and down. However, there are supposed to be numerous helicopter pads. The road is a likely narrow and as you can see curving. It will not be highway quality as in the case of Fort A.P. Hill base. You could not cover that with many emergency vehicles easily even if you had them on hand as you would be able to on a military base. Also if you are the one stuck up on the summit needing help, how do you know you’ll have a cell phone signal to call for help?

“It’s clear that you will not have the resources you would at the Fort A.P. Hill base. It’s much less secure and unguarded if someone wanted to enter the camp from any direction. The trees would hide them on their way in and out,” Mr. VanDerBeek said of the various security flaws that leave scouts vulnerable to a possible attack.

“Being at this reserve,” VanDerBeek warns, “the scouts would be in the perfect location to rationalize a quarantine.”

The potential governor also highlighted the fact that West Virginia’s Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management has been appointed to provide support for the event.

West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin signed an executive order last year “giving DHS, FEMA, and the national guard martial law police power over the event,” VanDerBeek commented.

In 2011, The Register-Herald reported, “The order designates the West Virginia Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management as the principal coordinator for federal, state and local agencies providing support for the Summit Bechtel National Scout Reserve before and during the Jamboree.”

According to the Register-Herald, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Director Jimmy Gianato said a joint inter-agency task force of key federal, state and local agencies have been “building communications infrastructure, increasing capacity for cell coverage, and working with hospitals to ensure they are prepared for a major event.” (emphasis ours)

Mr. VanDerBeek also laid out the Bechtel Corporation’s sordid history and their involvement with several nefarious activities, including providing poisonous mobile homes to relief victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. “In sum, if you were evil and you wanted to sponsor a terrorist event on your property because that is who you are? Think Bechtel,” remarked VanDerBeek.

Previously, Mr. VanDerBeek had railed against the spending of tax dollars on recent FEMA zombie and UFO drills, asking, “Do the leaders of our nation believe in UFOs and zombies really? If so, what is their proof? They must have proof in order to spend money on drills? If they have proof, they must provide it to the general public? What is the threat? How imminent is it?”

Shortly after VanDerBeek called out FEMA’s excess spending, they scrubbed details of the exercise from their website, although Paul Joseph Watson was able to save screenshots that can be viewed here.

As Mr. VanDerBeek correctly noted, if enough light is shed on a false flag event prior to it taking place, the less likely it is to happen.

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New SARS-Like Coronavirus Suspected at New York Hospital

May 21, 2013, an online discussion forum created in 2005 to track the potential threat of an avian flu pandemic, has been the venue for a serious discussion regarding the new SARS-like coronavirus infecting patients at a New York Hospital leaving several in critical condition and resulting in 3 deaths.

The new SARS-like coronavirus recently emerged in the Middle East infecting 41 total worldwide resulting in 20 deaths and is primarily spread by limited human-to-human transmission. Experts fear that the virus’ early ability to transmit among humans could spark a global pandemic should the virus mutate further and achieve sustained human transmission.

Nurses working at a St. Luke’s hospital in New York have claimed that there are several cases of the new SARS-like virus in the hospital’s ICU, which have gone misdiagnosed and that are in fact the new deadly virus.

A nurse who works at the hospital believes there is a potential outbreak of this new SARS-like virus and she too has now been hospitalized with flu-like symptoms. Although hospital administrators have made no comment about this matter, posters on the online message board at have indicated through research that it is influenza B. The nurses are disputing that claim stating that in fact the new coronavirus is the culprit.

The nurses feel that they have an obligation to speak-out about their suspicions in this matter.

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